what twixsleepyhead does other than sleeping

Saturday, August 28, 2004

August 23-28

For the first time as an officially employed person, I missed a no-class day due to typhoon. Of course I don’t have a class to attend. But the thing is… I can’t understand what makes employees different from students when it comes to traveling to work/school during a rainy season. All of them are possible victims of being stranded due to flood or just plain heavy traffic. So I went to work that typhoon day, Tuesday I think. About four people in the office were there on time. The rest were either late or absent. One project architect came to office barefoot… because his shoes got soaked in the flood. It’s not that I don’t wanna work or somethin’. I don’t have anything to do at home. But I just want to have the satisfaction of having work suspended just like when I was a student and that’s it. Sounds illogical.

I volunteered for a take home work again, so that I don’t have to go to the office yesterday. I have to make my Saturday afternoon free so that I can watch a movie with my friends. I ended up watching Princess Diaries 2 with Mumty and Janrey. Mikey said he can’t join us because he’s not feeling well… some reason that I won’t easily believe in. Once again, I have to find my way in Makati,… an urban jungle for a north person like me. The movie is funny, but very very brainless. Anyway, that’s what movies are for.

I was home quite early for a Saturday gimik,.. about past 8pm. I spent the rest of the time talking with Charol on the phone that I forgot to eat dinner! What a weekend!


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