what twixsleepyhead does other than sleeping

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


From what I remembered since I was a kid, Ocean Park only is only special for its huge aquariums. Although now they have much more to offer, seeing the what's under the water still excites me.

Ocean park is now an amusement park with rides for brave souls. I rode that roller coaster behind us during my visit last February. After that traumatic ride, I’ll just take a photo this time. Now I know why my cousin refused to ride with me before.

I was so disappointed last February when pandas’ house is under renovation. Finally, I was able to visit them! They’re much bigger and fatter than the one in Shanghai zoo.

This is the place where I got my “shoti” penguin. I went back to get little penguins for Justine and Jason. After getting 2 more penguins, my mission in Ocean Park is over.


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