what twixsleepyhead does other than sleeping

Monday, May 21, 2007


Who are my friends? How to be a friend to my friends?

For quite some time, I was lost. The definition of friendship perplexed me.

My relationships in school, work, outside school and outside work revolved around friends. What else can I deal with, since I never had a boyfriend? I already learned to differentiate friends from acquaintances and companions. How can I be confused?

If I don’t stick with them 24 hours a day, am I an unworthy friend? If I spend some time alone, do I lose my qualifications as a good friend?

Do I have to be exactly who they are? Do they have to be exactly who I am?

At the back of my head, I knew all the answers, but I let my emotions overwhelm me.

I never had a best friend who’s exactly like me. Ironic, isn’t it? My best friends are those who are my opposites in many ways. We don’t go for the same fashion, we don’t necessarily crave for the same food, we don’t listen to the same music and we don’t like the same movies and tv series…

Acquaintance results from the little time used to get to know the existence of another person. Companionship is about spending time doing things together. Friendship is about connecting with other people while spending time and doing things together. Time, location, gender and race are not barriers at all.

Another lesson I just learned is that not all people can be friends. Some are acquaintances while some are companions. In this lonely city, two exact opposite things happened. I was hurt when I realized that people whom I thought are friends can only be companions. On the other hand, I was amazed to discover people whom I never thought I can communicate with can be friends.

It’s fun to meet new friends, but of course, old friends should never be forgotten. Though they are so busy and far away, they were able to keep me on track.


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