what twixsleepyhead does other than sleeping

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I was browsing through the newspapers yesterday when I saw an ad of Asian Spirit. They are promoting their new destination - Xiamen, China, with some pictures of supposedly taken in Xiamen, China. I used to live in that place that me and my friend Dhia call "the lost island". It's a relatively small island with lots of gardens, one little SM and zero Starbucks. Anyway, going back to the ads... With just one look, I can already tell that the pictures posted are not in Xiamen. The first picture shows an old Chinese house in a winter setting. Hello, the trees in Xiamen are evergreen and there's no real winter. The lowest recorded temperature is 2degrees. The second picture shows a busy street, something similar to Zhong Shan Lu in Xiamen. Zhong Shan Lu is Zhong Shan Lu and there is no other. I know exactly how it looks like and that's not the one in the picture.

I'm not exactly against them adding new destinations, but I'm criticizing how they put something into publication without researching. Actually, it's good for them to add new flights. Who knows, I might get an affordable ticket to go back to Xiamen and meet my friends again.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I've seen this place featured in two different magazines before I finally got the chance to go to Kozui, the only place I know that serve anything green tea. Though I'm not a fan of green tea, I really appreciated their desserts.

Green tea cheesecake

Halo-halo with green tea ice cream


The UP Pep Squad in their opening number

It's my first time to attend a homecoming event. What made me go to this event? Hmm... maybe the continuous advertisements i get via email. i've been getting updates regarding this event for weeks already. i was actually expecting lots of people from my batch to attend, but it turned out that only three of us were there - me, mumty and risha. Unfortunately we are the eat-and-run type of guests. We don't have the time to take pictures of some interesting professors who changed their overall look for some weird reason. We were about to leave when we bumped into another batchmate, lesley, who just arrived.

Mumty, me and Risha

The 1GB UP Arki USB drive souvenir. (Janrey, mainggit ka!)

We were rushing home because Mumty has to go after the last MRT trip and I have to be home early... for no particular reasons. I was just trained to be like that since I started living in Malabon again.

We were already out of the college building when we saw Beka in her car. She arrived late coz she had a car accident. Her right rear door was wrecked and she's still in the "shocked" state. She told us the whole story of how a jeep collided with her car and that they waited for the MMDA for an hour and a half to get things settled legally. Poor girl.

And so we were delayed again. Mumty, Risha and I rushed to trinoma to catch Mumty's train. Risha and I stayed at Starbucks while watching the cab line get shorter so she can take her ride home. Since it's already late, I decided make the most out of my night-out. I called some friends within the area to join me for coffee.